Stuck or Soaring? How to Assess if Your Job Still Takes You Higher

We often spend a significant portion of our lives working, making job satisfaction crucial to our overall well-being and success. When we find ourselves at a crossroads, it's important to recognize the signals that indicate a need for change.

In the relentless pursuit of professional success and fulfillment, it becomes essential to assess whether our current job uplifts us or holds us back. Despite the familiarity and comfort, sticking with a job that no longer takes us higher can hinder our growth and happiness. It can also lead to silent quitting.

Join us as we explore concrete signs that indicate it might be time to move on and seek new opportunities.

Directions with pinka nd purple sky

The Decision
No matter if you are an individual that prioritizes a paycheck, passion, opportunity for growth or work environment, it can happen you find yourself one day wondering: 'How did I get here?'. It’s that moment of realization that a job that once sparked your interest, you were motivated excited, eager to start, to learn, to grow and then…. nothing. You turn around and realize you feel different but you can’t quite put your foot on it. What is different? Is it fixable? Is this the end and time to quit?

You get in a self-questioning spiral where you are unable to see clearly and make a decision. After all, it is a big decision. Should I stay or should I go?

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do
— Benjamin Spock

How do you know if it is time to let go?

Let’s play Red Flag It.

It’s a big leap to decide something is no longer serving you and move on to greener pastures. How do you know you haven’t made a mistake? What if you are overreacting? What if your problems are solveable? 

Those are valid points. You should be asking them. These questions just prove you are reliable, responsible and insightful enough not to make rash decisions without considering all the options. I never advocate to my clients to leave a job the moment an issue arises. Just like in any relationship (even a relationship with your own job!), issues may arise and most of the time, it can be worked through.

Let’s go through some typical issues that can arise and how you can tackle them. All of these hurdles can be solved. The question is: would it be in your power to solve them? If it is not in your power to solve them, can it be solved by those who do have the power to do so? And then lastly, if there is no possibility from either side to do anything - this is a Red Flag 🚩.

Red Flags are issues that absolutely unsolvable AND are a deal-breaker for you. What does that mean? Some issues can be solved and some can’t. Also, some might not be as important for you at all. Example: if you have been a PR Manager for X years for a company that has no growth opportunity, but growth is not something you are concerned with as you are happy in the position you are in, then this is not a red flag. However, having a toxic work environment for these X years probably is, at it will undermine your happiness and job satisfaction.

It is very important to not that each person will have different Red Flags 🚩 and that is perfectly okay. Just be honest with yourself, because right now, you will analyze YOUR job, not someone else’s.

Below you will find some common issues, suggestions on how to tackle them and insight on how to see if this is your Red Flag or not.

  1. Lack of Growth and Development:

    One clear indicator that it may be time to evaluate your job situation is if you feel stagnant in terms of growth and development. Does your current position offer limited opportunities for advancement or skill enhancement? Are there no clear career paths within your organization? These signs suggest that you may be better off exploring new avenues that foster your growth potential. The best way to evaulate this is to talk to your superiors, HR department or even senior colleagues who have been years in the company. Do not be afraid to ask: 'I am really enjoying my time here (lie if you have to), however for my future plans I need to assess if there is an opportunity for me to grow in the next 2-3 years in XYZ direction?'. You would be suprised how far can an honest chat with HR or your boss get you. 

  2. Constant Dissatisfaction or Demotivation:

    Consistently feeling dissatisfied or unmotivated at work can have detrimental effects on your performance and overall well-being. Are you finding it increasingly challenging to derive fulfillment from your work? Is there a misalignment between your passion and your current role? This is a question where YOU have to dig deeper into yourself. One thing you could try is to find the happiness in small parts of your job or think of why you started in the first place. Do you still have the same love for what you were doing? If you are feeling bored, lacking motivation, feeling like you are wasting time or dreaming of doing something else, then these signs may be an indication that a change is needed to reignite your enthusiasm and passion.

  3. Toxic Work Environment:

    A toxic work environment can sap your energy and diminish your professional motivation. Signs of a toxic work environment may include excessive stress, unresolved conflicts, or a lack of supportive teamwork. Remember, your mental and physical well-being should never be compromised for the sake of a job. We spend 8+ hours a day at work. Imagine the toll a toxic work environment takes on you when this accumulates to a minimum 40h work week. How about over a month? Over one year? Several years?! You might not even notice it because you are used to being tired and drained. Once your personal life starts being affected, that means the toxic work environment has spilled into your private life. You can try to directly address these toxic traits depending on where they come from. Have a collaborative talk with your co-workers and your superiors on how you can better your environment. Sometimes, all it takes is a team-building event. Sometimes, management needs to change. Depending on your situation this may, or may not, be so easily solved.

  4. Mismatched Values and Culture:

    When your values don't align with those of the organization you work for, it can lead to a sense of dissatisfaction and lack of belonging. If you consistently find your values conflicting with those promoted by your company or notice a toxic culture that contradicts your principles, it might be a sign to explore opportunities that align better with your ideals. Sometimes companies drag us in on promises of values, culture, they take us in with talk about how 'We Are a Family' and then after a while you realize it’s not all sunshine and unicorns. To be fair and honest, it rarely will be always smooth sailing, but how much of that is actually affecting you in your work place? Values and Culture are usually deeply ingrained in the coporate statute of the company and most likely will not change. Can you change the way it is?And if you can’t, then are you comfortable with working in company or organization where they don’t to what they preach?

  5. Feeling Underutilized or Unchallenged:

    Being underutilized or experiencing a lack of challenge in your work can lead to stagnation and complacency. If you find that your skills, talents, and knowledge are not being fully utilized, or if you consistently feel unchallenged by your responsibilities, it could be an indication that it's time to pursue new horizons where your potential can be better realized. There is nothing wrong with eventually realizing that things that were a challenge to you are now maybe too easy. This is very closely connected to number one on the list, where you would want to have opportunity for growth. After maybe years of working in a position, chances are you have become really good at what you do and you feel you are underchallanged. Another example is where you maybe gained some new skills that you would love to explore and use, but the position you are in does not allow them. Whatever the case - the question is, can you use your skills and feel challenged? Again, is there a chance for growth? Can you advance or change the position within the company? Keep in mind that not finding a solution to this over time, will result in you feeling complacent or even trigger silent quitting.

  6. Declining Work-Life Balance:

    Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for personal well-being and fulfillment. Your job should enable you to live a fulfilling life, not prevent you from having enough time to enjoy the fruits of your labor, no matter how much you might love your job. If your job consistently demands long hours, overtakes your personal life, or prevents you from disconnecting from work, it may be time to reassess your priorities and seek a healthier balance. At Ness Coaching we have a program catering to re-establishing your Work-Life Balance where you can thrive again with personalized 1-on-1 sessions with Coach Ness. On a smaller scale, you can try to detach from your workplace, limit work e-mails and calls once you are home and be firm in requesting compensation for overtime as well as in advance notice if you will need to work overtime or weekends.

  7. Lack of financial incentive

    This one is very often talked about between workers, but overlooked by Coaches. Let’s face it - money matters. If we didn’t care about the money, we would all just be volunteering. If you are feeling undepaid, have had a salary reduction or bonuses cut, or even plainly didn’t have an increase of salary in the last several years (especially with the current inflation), you maybe thinking something is wrong. And you just may be right. Very often, we forget to value our own work, and diminish the importance of a fair wage. The best way to start is to ask colleagues who work in the same poistion, not just in your company, but also other companies on how much they are earning and in which conditions. This will give you a benchmark. However, it can also happen you feel undepaid because when you started in a lower-level position and now would be a time to move up the career-ladder. In that case, you would need to see if you are able to do so in the work environment you are now. 

  8. Work format and hours

    Since the pandemic, many have had to go into home-office and that stuck around for awhile. Then it was time to go back to normal and some have realized that working from home was much better for them. Some companies managed to keep part of the jobs remote. Some tried to do a hybrid setup - work a mandatory number of days in the office and the rest from home. And some went back 100% to the office. Now, there are pros and cons to all of these setups, but the matter of fact is that if you want one of these formats, and your company doesn’t offer it, you will not be happy. Same goes if you would want to switch from full-time to part time, for example. If you have already asked about this and there is no resolution, then you need to see how imporant these things are.

Man sitting behing desktop computer at desk with hands behind head thinking

Assessing Your Red Flag game!

Reflect on the signals outlined above and determine if any resonate with your current job situation. Then think about how much they resonate. How many red flags have you connected?

No matter if you collected one or all eight, it really depends on you what is going to be your limit, before you say 'Hey, I am quitting!'. However, if we stick to what a Red Flag is in our case (unsolvable problem that is a deal-breaker for you), that means finding even one is enough for a career change. That is why it is so imporant to be honest with yourself about which of these is crucial for YOU specifically. Let’s summarize:

  • Option 1. No Red Flags! Congratulations! All your work issues are solveable. Find the courage to initiate change and see how your workplace can transform once you are open, proactive and professional about your concerns, wants, needs and desires.

  • Option 2. One to two Red Flags. For some this would be enough to throw in the towel immediately. For others, you may have hope that it is not so bad and you can push through. Like I said, one Red Flag is one too many. This is probably the worst situation because it usually makes individuals feels like it is not bad enough to leave and then the fear of change kicks in, making you settle for the evil you know rather than head into uncertainty. Let me reassure you, it is bad enough and yes, you have my blessing to plan your escape and leave.

  • Option 3. Three Red Flags or more. What are you waiting for?!

Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them
— William Arthur

What now?

Evaluating whether your job still takes you higher requires honest introspection and careful assessment of concrete signs. By recognizing red flags such as a lack of growth, toxic work environments, or underutilization, you can make informed decisions about your career path.

Leaving without a goal makes no sense. Think thoroughly about what you would want in your new work place, write it down and start planning towards it - this is what we call the ‘Escape Plan Tactic’. Consider gathering feedback from trusted colleagues or mentors, seeking career guidance from professionals, or exploring alternative pathways that align better with your goals and values. Remember, it's never too late to prioritize your happiness and make a change.

At Ness Coaching, The Game Changer: Unlocking Your Dream Career covers the Escape Plan Tactic, along with giving you other tools and startegies that will propel you to a career worthy of your dreams. This Coaching Program is personalized to each client and is guided by Coach Ness in one-on-one sessions for a duration of 6 sessions, at the end of which you will feel confident, motivated and ready to take on the world!

Remember, you have the power to shape your career path. Embrace change, explore new opportunities, and find the path that truly brings you fulfillment and helps you soar to new professional heights. Your Discovery Session is free of charge! Book a FREE Discovery Session and see how with one click your life can make a turn for the better!


The Sweet Escape: How the ‘Escape Plan’ Tactic can Propel You to New Heights


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