
Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

The Debate of Work Happy Hours - Making Work Happy Hour Happy Again

Work happy hours offer a unique opportunity for employers and employees to come together in a relaxed and informal setting, fostering social connections, team building, and morale within the organization. While these events can bring numerous benefits, it is essential to address potential challenges and implement strategies to ensure that work happy hours are inclusive, enjoyable, and meaningful for all team members.

By promoting inclusivity, respecting boundaries, and purposefully planning work happy hours, employers can create a welcoming and engaging atmosphere that promotes positive relationships and strengthens team cohesion. Through thoughtful consideration and proactive measures, work happy hours have the potential to enhance employee satisfaction, foster collaboration, and contribute to a happy and harmonious workplace environment for everyone involved

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Everyone Knows About The 9-5, But Have You Heard About The 996?

Let’s delve into the complex and pressing issue of the 996 work culture, exploring its implications on employee well-being, productivity, and overall workplace dynamics. Through thought-provoking background and insightful analyses, I aim to shed light on the challenges faced by individuals working under the 996 model, while advocating for sustainable work practices that prioritize a healthy work-life balance and foster a positive work environment. Join me on this journey as we navigate the nuances of the modern workplace and strive for a future where work is not just a means of survival, but a source of fulfillment and holistic growth for all.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

10 Confidence-Boosting Habits to Try

Are you lacking confidence and self-esteem? How do you know if you are. In this Blog, I share with you some signs of aIlack of confidence and give you 10 Confidence-Boosting Habits to Try which will channe your life for the better. I share practical tips lie how to make positive affirmations and practice gatitude while creating some more intense habits like stepping out of your comfort zone and surrouding yourself with positive influences. By the end of this read, you will be ready to incorporate these 10 Habits into your life and start improving your confidence one day at a time.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

How to Say ‘No’ Without Burning Any Bridges

Are you feeling overwhelmed with requests and struggling to say no without feeling guilty or damaging relationships? In the blog post, "How to Say No Without Burning Any Bridges," I share practical tips and strategies to help you set boundaries and communicate effectively when declining requests or opportunities. Saying no doesn't have to be confrontational or negative - with the right approach, you can maintain positive relationships while still honoring your own needs and priorities. Check out the full post for actionable advice on how to navigate these challenging situations with grace and confidence.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Ready, Set, Go: Essential Tips for Your Business Trip!

Planning a successful business trip involves meticulous preparation to ensure a productive and stress-free experience. Start by organizing your itinerary and booking accommodations, transportation, and meetings well in advance. Research your destination to familiarize yourself with local customs, language, and culture to better connect with your hosts and colleagues.

Packing efficiently is crucial for a smooth trip. Create a detailed packing list, considering the duration of your stay, weather conditions, and planned activities. Opt for versatile clothing items that can be mixed and matched to minimize the number of outfits you need to bring. Don't forget essential items like chargers, adapters, toiletries, and travel documents.

Staying connected while on the go is essential to maintain communication with clients, co-workers, and loved ones. Make sure your devices are fully charged and consider investing in portable chargers or power banks. Utilize cloud storage services to access important files and documents from anywhere, and download offline maps and translation apps to navigate unfamiliar surroundings.

Maintaining a healthy routine on a business trip is key to staying energized and focused. Schedule time for exercise, whether it's a quick workout in the hotel gym or a walk around the neighborhood. Stay hydrated by carrying a reusable water bottle and choose nutritious meal options to fuel your body and mind.

Prioritizing your time is essential to make the most of your business trip. Set clear goals and objectives for each meeting or appointment to ensure productive discussions. Allocate time for downtime to rest and recharge, whether it's exploring the local sights or simply relaxing in your hotel room.

By following these essential tips for planning, packing, staying connected, and prioritizing your time, you can maximize your success on your next business trip. Stay organized, efficient, and focused to make the most of your journey and leave a positive impression on your hosts and colleagues. Safe travels!

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Dress for Success: How to Create and Keep an Authentic Business Image

Your appearance speaks volumes before you even say a word. Dressing for success is not just about looking good; it's about exuding confidence, professionalism, and credibility in the workplace. The way you present yourself through your attire can have a significant impact on how you are perceived by others – whether it's a colleague, client, or potential employer.

Choosing the right business attire is key to creating a strong first impression and setting yourself up for success in your career. Your clothing not only reflects your personal style but also communicates your attention to detail, respect for the occasion, and commitment to your professional image.

Investing in a versatile and well-curated professional wardrobe is a strategic move that can elevate your presence in the workplace. By understanding the importance of dressing appropriately, maintaining a polished appearance, and embodying a professional persona, you can cultivate a strong and lasting impression that will support your success in the business world.

Remember, dressing for success is not just about the clothes you wear – it's about showcasing your best self and projecting confidence and competence in all that you do. Read to find our what else you need and if dressing for success is enough to guarantee you a boost in your career journey.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Seal the Deal: The Power of Last Impressions

In any interaction, whether it be a job interview, a business meeting, or a social gathering, making a strong last impression is essential. It is often the final moments that people remember and can leave a lasting impact on the relationship or outcome. Just as first impressions matter, so do last impressions, and mastering the art of leaving a positive and memorable mark can make all the difference.

Body language and non-verbal cues play a significant role in creating a great last impression. From maintaining good eye contact and smiling genuinely to using confident posture and gestures, every aspect of your non-verbal communication can speak volumes about your confidence, credibility, and professionalism. A firm handshake, mirroring the other person's body language, and using positive facial expressions can help convey trust, warmth, and understanding.

By paying attention to the subtleties of body language, you can establish rapport, build connections, and leave a positive lasting impression on others. Remember, it's not just what you say but how you say it that matters. Mastering the art of non-verbal communication can set you apart, seal the deal, and leave a lasting impression that lingers long after the interaction has ended. So next time you find yourself in a situation where you need to make a strong last impression, remember the power of body language and non-verbal cues in leaving a lasting mark on others.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Making Your Mark: The Power of First Impressions

In the fast-paced world of business, the art of making a memorable first impression holds the key to unlocking a world of opportunities and forging meaningful connections. From mastering the nuances of body language and communication skills to embodying authenticity and professionalism, the impact of that initial moment can shape the course of your professional interactions. Discover how you can command attention, build trust, and leave a lasting impression in business settings by understanding the power of first impressions

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Cracking the Code of SMART Goals for Success

Are you read to crack the code on what are SMART goals, how to create them and how to reach them? Learn how to create specific, measurble, achievable, relative and time-bound goals to unleash success in your career and life.

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

What is Quiet Quitting? Understanding, Identifying, and Overcoming

Is the daily grind leaving you feeling unfulfilled, disengaged, or quietly resentful? It's time to evaluate and understand the phenomenon of quiet quitting. Explore underlying factors behind quiet quitting, signs to watch out for, and most importantly, how to overcome it and regain control of your career. Don't let quiet quitting hold you back!

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Vanessa Durman Vanessa Durman

Stuck or Soaring? How to Assess if Your Job Still Takes You Higher

Stuck or soaring? How to Assess if Your Job Still Takes you Higher. In the modern workplace we often find ourselves facing challenges and wonder if they are deal-breakers worthy enough for us to quit. Read through these coaching tools to find out which Red Flags you are edaling with and solutions on how to solve them before you throw in the towel!

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