Making Your Mark: The Power of First Impressions
Whether we like it or not, first impressions can make a lasting impact on professional relationships, opportunities, and career success. If you're attending a networking event, interviewing for a job, or meeting with clients, mastering the art of making a memorable first impression is essential for standing out and building trust in the business world.
It is crucial to understand the impact of first impressions. Research shows that first impressions are formed within seconds of meeting someone, based on nonverbal cues, communication style, and personal presentation. There are a lot of studies analyzing how quickly we make first impressions, some say it only takes milli-seconds - two psychologists out of Princeton established that it only takes one tenth of a second to form a first impression! Some other reserachers suggest it takes seven to ten seconds. That means within seconds, you are assessed whether you're likable, trustworthy, and competent. And best part of this, some assumptions will be conscious and others will be subconscious. These initial perceptions can greatly influence how others perceive your competence, credibility, and likability, ultimately shaping the course of your professional interactions. After all, there is no such thing as a second first impression. Therefore, make it count!
Example: Look at the picture above and the person in the picture. You have already probably made several assumptions just by seeing one picture. These assumtions will vary from person to person but may include thoughts that this is a woman, she is wearing red lipstick, she is most likely caucasian, has brown hair, and she is holding a leaf. Without even thinking to much you will connect these to think that probably this woman likes to wear lipstick and make-up. This can in turn lead to thoughts that maybe she also dyes her hair and it’s not her natural color. She is holding a leaf so she must love nature or spending time outdoors. However, this person has not said one word yet. Imagine how impactful it can be when you actually meet someone in person and have extra circumstances added to the first impression like the senses of smell and touch, space and distance, body language and other verbal and non-verbal communication. Have you heard of the seven/eleven rule? In 7 seconds people can make 11 impressions of you! Yes, that fast and most of it will be subconsious! To put it simply, we are all guilty of this, but that doesn’t mean we can’t present our true selves in the best possible way with some practice and guidance. Remember: Practice doesn’t make perfect, but practice makes progress!
Importance of First Impressions
I think by now you might already think that first impressions might not always ring true. That is correct.
Not every first impression you get of someone or someone gets of you will be right. Unfortunately, many people believe their first impression is spot on and are very stubborn to change their initial stance. If this was your personal life, I am sure you would definitely n ot choose to even have this person in your close circle. However, in a business setting, you might not have a choice if this is your potential client, colleague, or even you boss.
First impressions can be misleading, and though we can be aware of it, we will still be prone to draw conclussions. It is human nature and all we can do is be aware of it. However, the fact that first impressions are so important is why it is valuable to know how to present yourself, particularly if you are making a first impression in front of potential clients, an entire team or in front of an audience, a first impression can do wonders.
Just imagine you are introducing yourself to 10 colleagues and they get a really good impression of you. They will be more welcoming, assertive, understanding and tolerant. You made a good impression on your team in maybe a 30-60 second, well-prepared introduction talk. After this, they will be more accepting of your ideas, motives, capabilities, but also more forgiving in case of mistakes you might definitely make. The point is that you reached 10 people that you will collaborate with for hopefully many years and set the tone for your own path in the team. How long would it take you to go from person to person and do that? Definitely longer. Additionally, if you made a very weak first impression, you would need to correct the first impression and make a new lasting impression with each of these 10 people. That is just a lot more work than doing a 30-60 second practiced introduction that sums up who you are, why you are there, how you can bring to the table.
In another scenario, let’s say you are doing a presentation on a book you need to promote in front of a 100 people. How long would it take you to speak to all these 100 people so they get a good first impression of you or are even willing to purhcase your book? Plus, if let’s say you didn’t do your first impression as well as you could, and you want to correct the situationcan you really go to all these 100 people and redo it? I don’t think so. Your first impression is your key to being relatable, professional and interesting enough for the people to stay seated and even listen to your reasons WHY they should purchase your book.
Besides these two scenarios, a very important thing to note is that you will encounter people that very stubbornly stick to the first impression they got of people, because they believe they have a 6th sense that tells them the truth. We have to be aware enough to know that whenever we get a first impression, the person we get an impression of might be having an off-day, can be tired, stressed and not show themselves in the best light. We have to be open-minded to that and be kind. However, we also have to know that even if we do that, others might not and we might be the ones that are tired, stressed, unprepared and get evaluated wrongly. The most important thing is not to dwell on it, but rather prepare so that nothing can catch you off-guard. Which is why I prepared these guidelines for you - read on below to find out how YOU can always be prepared and ready to make a good, long-lasting first impression!
Key Factors for Making a Positive First Impression
Here you have the key factors that can a play a role in making a first impression. We want to make it a good one, so I will give you suggestions on what you can do to give you the best results possible.
Body Language. This is how you move your body, which you never want to be excessive, but should also not be stiff and rigid. Your posture is also very important, straight back, relaxed shoulders. If you are in a position where it is approproate you can offer a firm handshake to convey confidence and approachability. Please note that there are cultures where a handshake is not appropriate, so make sure to research beforehand! Make sure you have an polite distance and can make eye contact, or in case of presenting in front of a bigger crowd can have a good view to look over everyone and position yourself in the center. Monitor you hand gestures and facial expressions.
Pro tip: The best way to do all this is practice in front of a mirror!
Communication Skills. If you have a chance, and most likely you will, you will be able to verbally present yourself. What comes out of your mouth can make a tremendous impact on your first impression. Make sure to speak in a pace that is not too fast and not too slow. No chewing gum or sipping on soda. Speak clearly, listen attentively, and adapt your communication style to match the situation and audience. This varies extremely to who you are presenting to so you would want to analyze carefully what is appropriate and what is not.
Pro tip: Find videos of people who had a similar circumstance
Physical Appearance: How you dress and present yourself will creat a part of your first impression, they don’t say ‘Dress for Success’ for nothing. The number one rule here is you have to be comfortable with yourself. This is not the time to take that bold shirt out and try to break your fear of polkadot patterns. Nor is it the time to try out the lipstick from 5 years ago your sister gave you. Pay attention to whether there is a dress code as that is something you will want to adhere to. Another big factor in presenting yourself will be your grooming standards. This is a non-negotiable. Clean clothes, no body odour, washed hair, fresh breath, that’s all you really need. Note I never said a perfume or branded clothing. You don’t need a lot to have an business orientated appearance. Keep in mind - if you dress and groom yourself to look professional, responsible and confident, people will see you like that as well - dress appropriately for the occasion, paying attention to grooming and personal style to reflect professionalism and personal branding.
Authenticity: Likely the key ingredient to a great first impression is to be genuine, honest, and true to yourself in your interactions, as authenticity is key to building trust and rapport with others. If you are acting as very confident, extroverted, hyperactive, but you are selling a book that happens to be a romcom based on personal experience after a break-up where you identified as introvered and quiet, most likely people will note a discrepancy in what you wrote and who you actually are. However, if your book is about you navigating your athletic pursuits and competition through the last decade, then they will probably identify these traits as normal for who you described to be. Another example I have is of one of my former colleagues who desparately wanted to be the funny one. However, she loved reading and had all the fun facts nailed down about pretty much any topic she read about. She tried presenting herself as the funny one and it failed miserably every time, until she embraced her true self and started sharing fun fats and interesting tips that everyone genuinely loved. Bottom line: just be who you are. Don’t try to be something you are not because you will not fool anyone except yourself.
So there you have it - everything you need to take into account to create a good first impression. When you break it down into these factors, it is a lot easier to evaluate where you might be doing a great job and which areas need more work. Of course, I do want to share some extra tips and tricks to make it easier for you because I know it is not easy when you want to do it all on your own.
BONUS: Tips and Strategies for Making a Memorable First Impression
Research. Prepare ahead of time by researching the individuals or company you'll be meeting or presenting something to. This will give you an idea of who your key audience is, what is the setting you will be presenting in and what the expectations might be.
Watch Videos of Presenters. It might be a good idea to see how others are doing it so that you can learn by mirroring. I had one client that absolutely could not do anything unless he sees otehrs doing it and then he mirrors them, later on adding his own flair to it.
Practice! Practice in front of a mirror which will make you aware of your facial expressions, body gestures, movement and eye contact. It is uncomfortable at first, but no progress comes from staying in your comfort zone. Another option is recording yourself, so dress up, get ready and do a full introduction as it were in real life setting!
Write a Concept. In case you like to prepare in detail, writing a list of thing to do and say can work. Currently I am working with a client that needs to have notes of what to do and say in short bullet points written down beforehand and this method works like a charm for them! Possibly it can help you too to make a concept of what exactly you would want to say!
Start with Gratitude. A lot of the times you will be introduced by someone else and the best way to start is thanking the person and maybe even everyone for attending (if appropriate). People love to see someone thankful as it demonstates kindness, openness and gratitude.
Highlight Your Purpose or Credibility. You would want to explain who you are and why you are there in the first place. Think of what is relevant. If you are a new member of the sales team, where you worked for, what goals you achieved, what education you have is relevant. Winning that golf tournament two weeks ago is not.
End with Optimism/Positivity. You do want to close off on a positive note, either encouraging people to stay for your presentation, highlighting what they will learn, see or do, or you want to emphasize the fact you are happy to join the team you introduced yourself to, maybe happy to collaborate in the future with potential clients and so on. You do have to have a finisher here and not leave it open-ended.
Share Stories and Examples. Learn from individuals who have mastered the art of making a great first impression, such as executives, entrepreneurs, and professionals who have leveraged their personal branding and communication skills to achieve career success. By embodying confidence, professionalism, and authenticity in their interactions, these individuals have set themselves apart and forged meaningful connections in the business world. You can learn from them and you would be surprised how many will happily share their stories and experiences. All you have to do is ask!
I hope this article has stressed enough the importance of a first impression. The ability to make a memorable first impression is a valuable skill that can open doors, create opportunities, and drive success in your professional life. Or at least, make it easier for you to do so.
By understanding the impact of first impressions, focusing on key factors like body language, communication skills, personal presentation, and authenticity, and adopting effective tips and strategies, you can command attention, build trust, and leave a lasting impression in business settings. Embrace the power of first impressions and watch your career prospects soar! At the end of the day, we all want to present ourselves in the best light possible.
At Ness Coaching, first impression practices are a part of Coaching Programs like The Game Changer: Unlocking Your Dream Career, Talk the Talk: Impressing With Your Words and Presence and Lead by Example: The Ultimate Leadership Coaching Program!
Embrace your potential, who you really are and allow yourself to be the best version of yourself you can be. Life is too short not to live out to your full capabilities. Ness Coaching is here for you with tailored one-on-one Coaching Programs that will guide you every step of the way!
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